Insurance Settlement Offers

Do you have a personal injury case and want to know if you should accept the first settlement offer? This educational video by Houston car accident lawyer Hector Longoria discusses insurance settlement offers and how to handle them. If you want to know more, please call our office today for a free consultation.

I recently had a potential client come in with a settlement offer from their insurance company and ask me if they should take it. Typically, the amount of money that an insurance company initially offers a person who’s been injured is not worth taking. They don’t care about the value of your client. They just want to try to settle it quickly, fast and as cheap as possible, with no appreciation of the injuries you received or the damages you sustained in the past and in the future.

Read Our Car Accident Guide

It’s important that you get a lawyer to represent you because the insurance companies need to know that your injuries have value, and that you’re willing to prosecute that to make sure they appreciate it and compensate you fairly and justly. Therefore, the usual answer I give to a client who asks if they should accept the first insurance settlement offers, is no.

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Out of Town Legal Resources

I received a call the other day from a father who had questions about his daughters personal injury case in Arizona. We practice in Texas, but we found these personal injury attorneys in Arizona that did a great job with their online legal resources. If you or someone you know has questions about Arizona personal injuries or is looking for a personal injury attorney in Arizona, check out these attorneys in Phoenix, AZ.